Bernie Sanders=Real Change
American voters finally have a candidate that represents real change in government. Don't let this opportunity pass us by. We might not get another chance.
'Feel The Bern'
No more Business as Usual
Nominating Hillary Clinton would be a Big Mistake
It's a Mistake to Count him Out
The Mainstream Press is Ignoring Sanders
The Democratic Party establishment is conspiring to sabotage Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders is a Democratic Socialist, and so are Americans
His Views on foreign policy, the Military and guns.
"...climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism. And if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say you're gonna see countries all over the world-- this is what the C.I.A. says, they're gonna be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops. And you're gonna see all kinds of international conflict. ...I would argue that the disastrous invasion of Iraq, something that I strongly opposed, has unraveled the region completely. And led to the rise of Al Qaeda-- and to-- ISIS. Now, in fact, what we have got to do-- and I think there is widespread agreement here-- 'cause the United States cannot do it alone. ...But when you talk about the long-term consequences of war let's talk about the men and women who came home from war. The 500,000 who came home with P.T.S.D. and traumatic brain injury. And I would hope that in the midst of all of this discussion this country makes certain that we do not turn our backs on the men and women who put their lives on the line to defend us. And that we stand with them as they have stood with us. ...I have voted time and again to-- for-- for the background checks. And I wanna see it improved and expanded. I wanna see them do away with the gun show loophole. In 1988 I lost an election because I said we should not have assault weapons on the streets of America. ...This country today has more income and wealth inequality than any major country on earth. We have a corrupt campaign finance system, dominated by super PACs. We're the only major country on earth that doesn't guarantee healthcare to all people. We have the highest rate of childhood poverty. And we're the only in the world, (UNINTEL) the only country that doesn't guarantee paid family and medical leave. That's not the America that I think we should be. But in order to bring about the changes that we need, we need a political revolution. Millions of people are gonna have to stand up, turn off the TVs, get involved in the political process, and tell the big monied interests that we are taking back our country. Please go to, please become part of the political revolution." |
Bernie has Major Endorsements
Big Political Endorsements
Has Union Support
Former Clinton Supporters now Endorse Sanders
Bernie's Celebrity Supporters
Visit this link (or here) for a complete listing of Sanders' hundreds of endorsers. 15 Fundamental Differences Between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton (source)
His Views on the Economy, Healthcare "...what you have right now are millions of Americans working two or three jobs because wages that they are earning are just too low. Real inflation accounted for wages has declined precipitously over the years. So I believe that in fact this country needs to move toward a living wage. It is not a radical idea to say that if somebody works 40 hours a week that person should not be living in poverty. It is not a radical idea to say that a single mom should be earning enough money to take care of her kids. So I believe that over the next few years, not tomorrow, that over the next few years we have got to move the minimum wage to a living wage $15.00 bucks an hour. And I apologize to nobody. ... billionaires pay an effective tax rate lower than nurses or truck drivers. That makes no sense at all. There has to be real tax reform and the wealthiest corporations will pay when I'm president. ...Here is the major issue when we talk about Wall Street, it ain't complicated. You got six financial institutions today that have assets of 56 per-- equivalent to 50-- six percent of the GDP in America. They issue two thirds of the credit cards and one third of the mortgages. If Teddy Roosevelt, the good republican, were alive today you know what he'd say? "Break them up. Reestablish (APPLAUSE) (UNINTEL) like Teddy Roosevelt (UNINTEL) that is leadership. So I am the only candidate up here that doesn't have a super PAC. I'm not asking Wall Street or the billionaires for money. I will break up these banks, support community banks and credit unions-- credit unions. That's the future of banking in America. ...Here's my promise Wall Street representatives will not be in my cabinet. ...we're gonna make public colleges and universities tuition-free. This is revolutionary for education in America. It will give hope for millions of young people. ...Why do we continue to get ripped off by the drug companies who can charge us any prices they want? Why is it that we are spending per capita far, far more than Canada, which is a hundred miles away from my door, that guarantees healthcare to all people? It will not happen tomorrow. But when millions of people stand up and are prepared to take on the insurance companies and the drug companies, it will happen and I will lead that effort. Medicare for all, single-payer system is the way we should go." |